Top Android Apps for Bloggers

If you have an android device, then you need these blogging apps.

Android users are rapidly increasing year by year, and everyone is on their smartphones. Today we will discuss the top Android applications for bloggers that will help you check out your blog’s status and earnings, and you can even write your blog article using your Android smartphone. Here is the list of the top Android applications.


If you have a blog on Blogger, then this Android app is necessary for you. The Blogger Android app will help you create and edit blog posts and view lists of your published posts and drafts. If you have more than one Blogger account, you can easily switch them using the Blogger Android application, and at the same time, you can manage more than two blogs.


If you have a WordPress self-hosted blog, then here is one Android app for you that will help you create and modify existing blog content using your Android smartphone. Using the WordPress Android application, you can also check the blog status.

Google AdSense

The Google AdSense Android app will help you check your Google AdSense account status, and you can check your Google AdSense status easily with just one touch using your Android smartphone.


If you have a blog on Tumblr, then the Tumblr Android application will help you a lot. Using this application, you can easily maintain your Tumblr blog. It will allow you to post anything from anywhere, and you can share the photos and give replays to the messages using this application.

Google Drive

Google Drive will help you host your files, but now you can also host your files on Google Drive using your Android smartphone. You can host any file from anywhere; just install the Google Drive Android application on your smartphone.

Photo Editor

The Photo Editor Android application will help you create a new image for your blog posts. Using this Android application, you can easily edit your image and publish it to your blog. You can also rotate and crop your image using this Android application.

Final Words:

I have used these Android applications personally, so I am suggesting you use them for your blogs. If I have missed any applications, let me know in the comments.