Your blog loading time matters when it comes to SEO, and Google has started ranking sites according to their load speed, so to get the maximum traffic from your existing content, you should decrease the load time of your blog as much as possible.
There are many factors that affect your blog’s loading time, and one of them is image size. I will show you how to compress the images for your blog.
I recommend you use PNG images for your blog because they load faster and we can still compress the PNG files by more than 50%.
Here is the one tool named TinyPNG.
Using this tool, we can compress 20 images at the same time for less than 3 MB each. Just drop your PNG image there or just click the box to browse your files, then select the image you want and it will start uploading, and then it will compress the PNG file. This will decrease your blog load time, and eventually, you will get good traffic from the existing content.
Now as you can see it has decreased 56% image size and now simply download that PNG file and then simply use it in your blog.
Final Words:
I have been using this tool since last month, and I found that it really works nice, so I have decided to share it with you people. It will also help you get more traffic.