Top 5 Blogging Lessons You Can Learn From The Wolf Of Wall Street

Blogging Lessons from the Wolf of Wall Street

Blogging Lessons from the Wolf of Wall Street

Yes! I love watching movies, and I like learning new things from movies! So, after a long vacation, I’m back with stunning lessons you should learn from the Wolf of Wall Street movie. And here it is.

Hire new people and train them!

If you really want to make a lot of money blogging, then you have to hire employees! Because you can give just 8–10 hours a day to your blog, not more than that! Remember, to make more money, you have to spend more time, and if you don’t have that much time, then simply buy it from those who have it.

Don’t hire experienced bloggers, but hire new people because experienced bloggers will ask for a higher salary! So, hire new people and simply train them on “how to blog,” and make sure you have hired those people who are good at English! 

Who should I hire?

Hire Engineers!

Students may fail in exam but universities have never failed to produce unemployed youth!

Why? Because most of the new engineers are jobless! and some of them are good at English too! And those who get the job have to be trained for six months without being paid. So, even if you offer them $150 a month, they will love it! Just train them for your event blogs, and you will not have to waste time on manual link-building!

Showcase your monthly blogging income:

Have you ever wondered why some big bloggers like Pat Flynn and Harsh Agarwal showcase their monthly income?

No? Let me tell you then! Whoever visits their blog will definitely check their monthly income reports, and they will see that they are making good money using their blog! And that new visitor will become their royal reader and will follow their every update just because they know that those big bloggers make huge money from their blogs!

And definitely that new visitor (who already became their royal reader) will check out the tools and products that are being used by those big bloggers, and they will buy them to make their blog better and to make more money like those big bloggers. 

Of course, big bloggers will make more money by promoting affiliate products that are listed on their resource pages.

To make more money is to make your readers believe that you are actually making good money!  

See, people will never buy your affiliate product just because they don’t trust you, and to make them trust you, you should showcase your monthly blogging income!

The best way to sell your product or tool is to create urgency! 

Sell me this pen!

You know, when Mr. Belfort wanted to start a company, he was looking for experienced brokers, but instead he hired those who were experienced sellers, not brokers. They have arranged a dinner together, and Mr. Belfort told them to sell a pen to him.

[he takes a pen from his jacket and offers it to Chester]
Jordan Belfort: Sell me that pen.
Chester Ming: Can I finish eating first? I haven’t eaten tonight.
Jordan Belfort: Brad, show ’em how it’s done.
[he offers the pen to Brad]
Jordan Belfort: Sell me that pen? Watch. Go on.
[Brad takes the pen from Jordan]
Brad: You want me to sell this fu**ing pen?
Jordan Belfort: That’s my boy right there.
Brad: This pen.
Jordan Belfort: Fu**ing sell anything.
Brad: I want you to do me a favor, write your name on that napkin for me.
Jordan Belfort: I don’t have a pen.
Brad: Exactly. Supplying and demand, my friend.
[he drops the pen in front of Jordan]
Jordan Belfort: See what I’m saying. He’s creating urgency by getting them to want to buy the stock. He gets them to think it’s something that they need.

Write an awesome review of the product and make your readers believe that they can’t make more money without having the product you want to sell. That’s how you’re going to make a commission on your affiliate product.

Work hard and celebrate hard.

Work hard, give your 100% to your blog, and give the credit of success to your employees. Make them feel that they are important to you and your company, and they will never leave your company. And give them a big party!

Make an eye on your blog and competitors.

You know, every time someone rises up in this world there’s always gonna be some as*hole trying to drag him down. 

When you start making a good income from your blog, your haters will start booming your AdSense ads, and you will end up being disabled by Google AdSense. Or they start building spammy backlinks to your blog, and you will be hit by Google’s jungle.

Final words

The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.